About me
Dr. Long is a research scientist at A * STAR in Singapore. He received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science from Hunan University in 2021 and has been a visiting student at Nanyang Technological University and A*STAR from 2019 to 2021, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoli LI (IEEE Fellow) and Prof. Chee Keong KWOH.
Advanced deep learning technologies have enabled the characterization of tissue complexity and provided biological insights into spatial organization within tissues. Dr. Long’s research focus is on developing AI models to analyze single-cell genomic and spatial transcriptomics data. Dr. Long’s long-term research goals aim to bridge the gap between computational advancements and practical applications in biological research, ultimately contributing to a deeper understanding of health and disease.
Specifically, my research interests include:
1. Deep Learning
- Generative AI for biological applications
- Graph Foundation Model
2. Single-cell Omics and Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis
- Spatial/single-cell multi-omics integration
- Spatial clustering
- Cell type deconvolution
- Spatial batch integration
- Cell-to-cell communication
- 2021.07—Present Postdoctoral research fellow at A*STAR, Singapore
- 2019.09—2021.03 Joint Ph.D. in Computer Science, Nanyang Technological University & A*STAR, Singapore
- 2017.07—2021.06 Ph.D. in Computer Science, Hunan University, China
- 2014.09—2017.06 M.S. in Software Engineering, Hunan University, China
- 2020.09 Oral presenter, The 19 th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2020), Barcelona, Spain.
- 2020.12 Oral presenter, The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), Seoul, South Korea.
- 2023 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation
- 2020 National Scholarship
- 2020 Excellent Postgraduate
- 2013 National Encouragement Scholarship